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Southall Matters: Why Aren't Our Voices Being Heard? 26/8/21

Date: Thu 26 Aug 2021
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm
This is a forum for residents to share their concerns and solutions, to challenge the threats to Southall remaining a cohesive community.

This is the community's opportunity to demonstrate to Ealing Council effective digital engagement on the issues where our voices aren't being heard.


Join Clean Air for Southall and Hayes (CASH) for an open discussion on:

  • Air Pollution
  • Overdevelopment
  • Planning
  • Traffic Congestion
  • Anti Social Behaviour
  • Our MP and Councillors
  • Community Facilities
  • Ealing Council's Racial Equality Commission

A representative from Ealing Council's Leisure Services department will present on the health project, Let's Go Southall.

Tanya Taylor from Young Ealing Foundation will present the case to save the Young Adult Centre in Southall from closure and hear what progress we have made lobbying the council for refurbishing the neglected basketball court on Spencer Street.

Dare to dream, organise to deliver is our guiding motto.

Register on Eventbrite for the Southall Matters: Why Aren't Our Voices Being Heard? ONLINE public meeting on Zoom, 26 August 2021 at 7pm.

Online Event

If you have a local event, kindly share with the rest of Southall, by sending it to us via email.
