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Islamic Event - Urs - Data Ganj Bakhsh Hajvery 2024

Date: Sat 24 Aug 2024
Time: 8.00 pm
Islamic Event - Urdu/English - Urs - Data Ganj Bakhsh Hajvery and Khiyarvian Sharif

Invited speaker Syed Hamid Saeed Shah Qazmi will speak about Data Ganj Bakhsh Hajvery.

Khalifa Tahir Shahib Uddin will delivered his speech in English.

Data Ganj Bakhsh, also known as Data Ganj Bakhsh Hajvery, was born as Abul Hasan Ali Hajvery and is one of the most revered Sufi saints in South Asia. He was born in Ghazni (now in Afghanistan) and later migrated to Lahore, in present-day Pakistan.


He was highly knowledgeable in Islamic theology, jurisprudence, and Sufi mysticism, having studied under many esteemed scholars and Sufi masters of his time.

His shrine, known as Data Darbar in Lahore, attracts millions of devotees from around the world.

He is known as "Data Ganj Bakhsh", the "Bestower of Treasures".

Revered as "Data Ganj Bakhsh," meaning "Bestower of Treasures," his legacy as a spiritual leader and scholar endures. His teachings continue to inspire and guide those on the Sufi path to this day.

The annual Urs festival, observed on his death anniversary, celebrates his life and enduring legacy.


Muslim brothers and sisters are cordially invited to attend.
A separate area will be provided for ladies
Food will be provided at end of programme.

Website: Jamia Masjid - Southall


Jamia Masjid Islamic Centre,
103-105 Townsend Road,
UB1 1HE.

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