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Free COVID-19 test for residents without symptoms

Fri 08 Jan 2021
Residents can now get a free coronavirus test in Ealing, even if they do not have COVID-19 symptoms.

One in three people with COVID-19 do not display any symptoms. This shows the importance of a test to make sure that you are not carrying the virus that could be passed on to other people including people you live with.

The tests are available at centres in Ealing and will provide people with results on the day.

The tests provides reassurance for anyone, particularly those who still need to go out for work away from their homes – cleaners, key workers, carers, taxi drivers, government employees, teachers, delivery drivers, etc – who need a quick result and a regular testing.

Councillor Binda Rai, Ealing Council's cabinet member for health and adult services, said: "This is another big step forward in tackling this hidden virus. The tests are quick, easy, and the results come back within the hour."

"I would encourage residents to get a test, so they can make sure they are not spreading the virus to others without knowing it. By getting the test people will be able to better protect their family, colleagues and our wider community."

If you have symptoms

Tests for people with COVID symptoms are also available and easy to book. If you are displaying symptoms you must isolate with your household and get a symptomatic test immediately. Symptoms include:

  • A high temperature
  • A new continuous cough
  • A loss of sense of smell or taste.

You can book one of these tests by calling 119 or visiting the NHS website.

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