Southall Reset Programme to regenerate Southall
Tue 12 Jul 2022
The programme "will be focused on tackling deep-rooted challenges specific to Southall to support its residents and businesses to become part of a thriving Southall community and benefit from a more inclusive economy."
Ealing Council leader Councillor Peter Mason said on Twitter: “Tonight we hit the reset button for Southall, our industrious, resilient, entrepreneurial, diverse, incredible town. It’s future is as a place of good, well-paid jobs, of culture and community pride - not a dormitory town.”
The plan does NOT mention what Southall has lost and is going to lose.
Has anyone seen the INCREDIBLE state of #SouthallBroadway recently?
It does not take much EFFORT to clean this mess
BUT no one has bothered SO FAR.
Not a dormitory town?
Ealing Southall MP Virendra Sharma tweeted: "Southall must not be allowed to slide into being a dormitory town, it is a living breathing diverse space. The child poverty rate in Ealing Southall is significantly higher than the UK average and must be addressed" while highlighting the fact that 41.4% of children in Ealing Southall live in poverty.
"Southall must NOT be allowed to slide into being a dormitory town?" implies it is heading that way, otherwise this would not be mentioned. Who has been in charge of Ealing Southall?
"Will the structures that are set up to implementation of proposals listens to residents?" - Ravi
"Look at all the cabinet documents carefully and Reports obtained.
"All these surveys and reports look like Ealing Council care... but don’t be fooled ... they need these Reports to fight the community objections" to planned destruction of current buildings and services.
"I can see lots money has been wasted in the past due poor understanding and lack of proper true consultation. Their views often wrongly being WE KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU" – Amarjit
"Time they do what benefits Southall and not just fits their own agenda." - Amarjit
Ealing Council says "Southall has experienced significant changes over the last decade, primarily due to the large-scale investment proposed and agreed" like "Investment in the Dominion Centre and the opening of the library there".
What do residents say:
Moving the Library to the Dominion Centre was asset stripping and cost cutting exercise, not an improvement or an investment in Southall.
Ealing Council mentions the "The refurbishment of Southall Manor House and the disused Southall toilet block shortly to reopen as a cycling café"
What do residents say:
Millions of pounds spent. Take a close look at the state of the building. It is STILL in need of repair. What happened to catering and hospitality hub? Residents would have preferred the nearby disused toilets to remain as toilets.
Smoke and mirrors. Pie in the Sky.
Ealing Council are going to knock down the PERFECTLY good Young Adult centre.
They are temporarily relocating services to unsuitable places.
Finally they promise to build a replacement centre (in the sky?).
That is pie in the sky = cost cutting exercise = inferior services
What do residents and sensible people say:
Build the replacement centre before you close the Young Adult Centre.
Milions of pounds was spent on the Southall Broadway improvements.
Has anyone seen the current state of Southall Broadway?
Has anyone noticed the extra problems it created?
Have any lessons been learnt?
RESET – You press the RESET button when things have gone wrong. It removes any good or bad things that have happened. It takes you to the beginning. You CANNOT press the reset button to Southall. You cannot UNDO the damage already inflicted on Southall residents. You can only TRY to stop the PLANNED damage.
If you have a local news story, share it with the rest of Southall, by using the contact form.