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NHS campaigners worried about the future of Ealing’s mental health services

Wed 18 Jan 2023
Ealing residents have until the end of February 2023 to express their views on the provision of mental health services in the borough of Ealing.

But they are being given very little choice by local West London NHS Trust who want to close Hope and Horizon wards at St Bernard's Hospital, Southall.

They say the old buildings is unsuitable to meet the meet many of the requirements for modern care. It would cost to much to make it suitable and that the closure will provide (less but) better out of the borough facilities.


The loss of these 31 acute mental health beds would leave the whole borough of Ealing with NO acute adult mental health beds for anyone under 65.

By providing less beds and NOT in the borough of Ealing, patients will be getting better facilities. Shipping mental health patients out of Ealing is somehow going to improve their and their families mental health.

NHS campaigners Ealing Save Our NHS has produced a report opposing the proposed permanent closure of Hope Ward and Horizon Ward at St Bernard's Site next to Ealing Hospital.

The reports states that: "This proposed cut would leave the whole Borough with NO acute adult mental health beds for anyone under 65 and leave many Ealing patients in a worse position than comparable Boroughs." The plans would mean an overall reduction of 14 beds.


It points out that: "The problems with Wolsey Wing might not have arisen if the modern John Connolly Wing on the same site had not been closed and demolished leaving a dependency on the much older Wolsey Wing."

"It is hard not to draw the conclusion from the images presented that the Wolsey Wing has been deliberately neglected and allowed to run down, because in effect the decision was made long ago to close it."

Despite the claims that the Hope and Horizon wards are not suitable, nothing has changed since it was temporarily closed, due to covid restrictions.

They report states that: "Since 2010, 70 mental health beds have been closed in Ealing, including Hope & Horizon – so to cut another 14 across the Trust should be totally unacceptable, especially as it would leave our Borough bereft of acute adult beds."

At the engagement events, ward closures were presented as inevitable, with no alternative plans to be considered due to money constraints. They are merely site visits.

"It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the closure of these wards is finance driven. Why else was the modern purpose build John Connolly Wing closed leaving a dependency on the Victorian Wolsey Wing?"

The proposed closures on the Southall site would adversely affect BAME communities more than others.


"The West London NHS Trust has provided no convincing evidence that these beds are not needed – all the indications are the reverse."

The Hope and Horizon Wards should be upgraded and kept in use till such time as these beds can be replaced in Ealing.

Sending patients out of the borough away from their support networks is not right. Suitable local beds need to be re-opened urgently.

Engagement Event for Hope & Horizon

You only appreciate things/services, after you have lost them (though complacency) or when you need them.

The West London NHS Trust holding an in-person briefing event for the public to see the Wolsey Wing at St Bernard’s Hospital on 19 January 2023 from 1pm to 3pm. Local residents can book a place on

Information about this event and the link to the consultation to express yoor views on the provision of mental health services in the borough of Ealing, which is open until 28 February 2023, can be found at

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