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Southall has a significantly higher number of asthma sufferers

Fri 09 Jun 2023
New analysis from charity Asthma + Lung UK reveals that the GPs with the highest number of individuals receiving care for asthma are located in outer London boroughs.

According to the data, 24 out of the 30 GP surgeries with the highest rates of asthma prevalence are situated in outer London.

Ealing has emerged as the top London borough for asthma prevalence, with nearly a quarter (23%) of the top 30 GP practices located in Southall, which accounts for 7 out of the 30 worst affected practices.


According to Asthma + Lung UK, their findings indicate that 6 out of the top 10 GP surgeries with the highest asthma rates are located near polluted roads. Additionally, these surgeries also have a higher proportion of children experiencing income deprivation compared to the average in London.

Virendra Sharma, MP for Ealing, Southall, said: "I am concerned for the thousands of people in my constituency who live with asthma and for whom dangerous levels of air pollution can be life-threatening. This new analysis shows that the majority of the GP practices in Southall are located close to busy roads that currently exceed World Health Organization guidelines on air quality."

Air pollution is a social justice issue that disproportionately impacts Black, Asian and minority ethnic people who are also more likely to live in areas with poor air quality. We must act now to address this public health emergency."


He asked for "urgent action to tackle Southall Gasworks pollution" from the newly elected Ealing Council leader in May 2021.

In August 2021, Ealing Council appointed a new environmental protection officer based in Southall to address concerns related to unpleasant odours, dust, or pollution and provide a reporting channel for such issues.

Reporting to Ealing Council had been going on for years before this. Did this appointment result in any action?

"Reporting to the Environmental Protection Officer has already failed as they are off sick at the moment. The phone number does not divert to cover who can respond."


You "do nothing about point source air pollution worsening asthma - the Green Quarter Gasworks & the incinerators in Southall & the asphalt plants in Hayes. The system of gathering evidence of a statutory odour nuisance is a failure."

The experiences of some of the residents near the Southall Gasworks site has been as follows:

  • Show me the pollution, when I come?
  • Can you prove where the pollution is coming from?
  • Can you prove it poses a long-term health hazard?
  • Sorry, we can’t legally do anything about it?
  • We will appoint an environment officer to collect MORE data?
  • Will more bikes and bike lanes will address the problem?

Sarah Woolnough, CEO of Asthma + Lung UK, said: "This new analysis gives us a more detailed picture of what is happening on the ground at GP surgeries across the capital."

"Breathing polluted air is particularly dangerous for the estimated 585.000 people currently living with asthma or COPD in the capital as poor air quality and fumes from cars can quickly inflame airways and trigger symptoms."

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