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Residents give their verdict on Ealing Council

Tue 04 Mar 2008
Ealing Council’s services have received a strong endorsement in their largest ever residents’ survey.

Satisfaction with services has increased across the board with residents rating the borough as a safe place to live and one where they get on well together.

The published (highlights of the) results are:

  • * 77 per cent think the Council is doing a good job (up 8 per cent on a year go)
  • * 75 per cent said they feel informed (up 15 per cent on a year ago)
  • * 69 per cent think the Council is efficient and well run (up 12 per cent on a yearago)
  • * 60 per cent think the Council is doing a better job than a year ago (up 9 per cent)
  • * 52 per cent think the Council speaks up for the borough (up 15 per cent on a year ago)

People who were ‘very satisfied’ or ‘fairly satisfied’ with Council services:

  • 76 per cent very satisfied/fairly satisfied with refuse collection
  • 72 per cent very satisfied/fairly satisfied with street lighting
  • 65 per cent very satisfied/fairly satisfied with street cleaning
  • 64 per cent very satisfied/fairly satisfied with recycling
  • 47 per cent very satisfied/fairly satisfied with road and pavement repairs
  • 45 per cent very satisfied/fairly satisfied with leisure and sports facilities

People feel more content and safer living in their neighbourhoods:

  • 92 per cent feel safe in their neighbourhood during the day (up 13 per cent on a year ago)
  • 56 per cent feel safe in their neighbourhood at night (up 8 per cent on a year ago)
  • 83 per cent are ‘very satisfied’ or ‘satisfied’ with their local neighbourhood (up 8 per cent from a year ago)

When asked about how people from different backgrounds get on in Ealing:

  • 86 per cent say they get on well together (up 13 per cent from a year ago)
  • 85 per cent say ethnic differences are respected (up 4 per cent from a year ago)

Council Leader Jason Stacey, said: “Ealing residents are clearly very pleased with the improvements we are making”

“There’s still room for improvement however. Safety and cleanliness remain concerns to residents, as are transport, traffic and parking. The Council will reflect on this as it develops plans to make Ealing an even better place.”

Although satisfaction is improving, the other side of the statistics are that:
  • 44 per cent do not feel safe in their neighbourhood at night (down 8 per cent on a year ago)
  • 53 per cent are not satisfied with road and pavement repairs
  • 35 per cent are not satisfied with street cleaning

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