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Ealing appoints new Mayor and Cabinet

Sat 24 May 2008
A new Mayor has donned Ealing’s civic robes after fellow councillors elected him at the Annual Council.

Councillor Ian Green was elected by fellow councillors as the new Mayor for Ealing. He takes over from Councillor Mrs Hazel Ware and has stepped down from his position as Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Housing to take up office.

He appointed Councillor Seema Kumar as his deputy to assist him in his duties.

The Mayor’s official charities will be Acton Homeless Concern and West London YMCA, which runs projects in Perivale and Southall and the theme for his 12-month term of office will be empowering young people.

There was also a reshuffle of the Cabinet, the Council’s decision-making body, and several portfolios were changed to bring together similar service areas.

The new Cabinet is:

Leader of the Council – Councillor Jason Stacey
Deputy Leader and portfolio holder for Children’s Services – Councillor Ian Gibb
Adult Services and Health – Councillor Mark Reen
Customer and Community Services – Councillor Phil Taylor
Environment and Street Services – Councillor Sue Emment
Finance and Performance – Councillor David Scott
Housing – Councillor Will Brooks
Regeneration and Transport – Councillor David Millican
Safer Communities – Councillor Wolodymyr Barchuk
Chief Whip (ex-officio) – Councillor John Popham
Appointments were also made to other key committees as follows:
Chairman of the Licensing Committee – Councillor Ann Chapman
Chairman of the Planning Committee – Councillor Ian Potts
Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee – Councillor Marie Randall
Chairman of the Regulatory Committee – Councillor Ann Chapman
Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Councillor Anthony Young

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