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Public Meeting on Southall Town Centre

Mon 30 Jun 2008
Ealing Council will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday evening at Hambrough School to update residents about the proposed improvements to Southall Town Centre.

Have your say on the proposed improvements.

Brendon Walsh, Director of Property and Regeneration will give an update on Southall Town Centre proposal at around 7 pm.

This will be followed by a group discussion, where residents will get a chance to express their views/concerns.

The borough-wide town centre regeneration programme includes £1.9 million to improve public areas, transport and open spaces in Southall town centre.

A team of town planning experts were commissioned in March 2007 to develop plans and a consultation was held in February 2008.

Following on from that, the Council wants resident’s views on the plans and more immediate improvements to Southall, including:

  • mixed-use (housing, shopping and leisure) development at the Southall Gasworks site
  • Creating a better shopping environment
  • Increasing accessibility and creating a pedestrian friendly town centre
  • Improving parks and open spaces
  • Making Southall a better place to do business

Prior to the start of the meeting, from 5.30 pm onwards, resident will be able to ask questions of the Council Officers, as well as enjoy some refreshments.

Shape the future of Southall town centre by sharing your views on these proposals and suggested improvements at the public meeting.

If you have a local news story, share it with the rest of Southall, by using the contact form.
