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Railway Preservation Group can stay

Mon 24 Nov 2008
A local Railway Preservation Group has been given another 2 years of breathing space.

The Great Western Railway Preservation Group in Southall has been another 2 years breathing space, months after it was told to vacate the site.

Network Rail has agreed to give the GWR Preservation Group a two-year contracted-out tenancy on the same site but at a different location. After 2 years, they have the option to purchase the site or vacate the site.

Bob Gorringe, chairman of the society welcomed the news with great excitement.

For the past 17 years, the Group has occupied sidings and a large workshop at Southall where it maintains and restores its vintage steam and diesel locomotives and rolling stock.


Birkenhead locomotive In August 2008, less than two months before the expiry of the old lease they were informed that they would not receive a new lease, as promised, but would have to vacate their site because West Coast Railway Co Ltd, a private main line operator, needed the Wheel Drop Shop.

In essence, they were given eight weeks to remove all their stock from Southall - clearly an impossible task, despite having made many improvements made during their occupation.

This came as a complete surprise, as they had a good relationship with Network Rail and were expecting a further lease in line with other tenants on site. Initial meetings with Network Rail to resolve the situation were unsuccessful, as was an approach to West Coast Railway.

They were reluctant to move from Southall after 17 years and endeavoured to find a local solution to the problem.

They submitted a proposal to Network Rail for the use of the sidings on the south side of the site and have now been granted a 2 year lease, with an option to buy.

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