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Pro-Israel supporters gather in London

Sun 11 Jan 2009
Pro-Israel supporters gather in London calling for an end to the violence.

Pro-Israel supporters gathered in London feel that the death of 850 Palestinians is quite proportionate to the 13 Israelis deaths in 16 days of fighting.

The Chief Rabbi Dr Sir Jonathan Sacks said: "All it took to avoid this suffering was for Hamas to stop firing rockets on Israeli citizens."

"Let a voice go out today from here in Trafalgar Square, and other gatherings being held, that we want peace."

"We say to those who criticise Israel: You want Palestinian children to grow up with hope, so do we.

"You want Palestinians to be able to live with dignity, so do we?"

All it would have taken to avoid this suffering and destructions was for Israel to ease the crippling blockade of Gaza.

The total destruction of the infrastructure of Gaza is the prices the Palestinians have to pay for any chance of easing the inhumane blockade.

Resistance is not a crime.
Occupation is a crime.
No justice - No peace.

Under the Egyptian-brokered truce, Israel agreed to ease the crippling blockade of Gaza in exchange for an end to rocket and mortar fire.

Israel achieved its objectives from the ceasefire but the crippling Israeli blockade of Gaza continued.

Has the Chief Rabbi, any Israeli or any friend of Israel NOT read the Aid Agencies report compiled by 21 NGOs, "The Middle East Quartet: A Progress Report" published on 25 September 2008.

The coalition of 21 aid agencies and human rights organisations included CARE International UK, Christian Aid, Oxfam International, Save the Children UK and World Vision Jerusalem

It stated that very little progress has been made in improving the lives and humanitarian situation of the Palestinians.

What was the result of the successful ceasefire between Hamas and Israel in Gaza? They said "Normal civilian life in Gaza has not resumed and ordinary people are experiencing few benefits from the cessation of violence".

Fuel supplies allowed in were so low that they affected everything from rubbish collection to water and sewage systems.

"End to the blockade of Gaza"

"The situation in Gaza is not sustainable" said Martha Meyers of CARE International, noting that steps must be taken to prevent future violence in the region.

All this fell on deaf ears.

All Israel had to do, to avoid this suffering and destructions, was to ease the crippling blockade of Gaza.

If it had allowed more aid into Gaza then it could not remotely justify the pre-planned death and destruction of Gaza.

Simple logic dictates that:
If the occupation ends – then there is no need for the resistance.
If the resistance ends – no resistance, then there is no need to end the occupation.

Israel destroyed the infrastructure of Lebanon.
Israel destroyed the infrastructure of the West Bank.
Israel has destroyed the Infrastructure of Gaza.
What it needs, is the destruction of occupation.

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