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Southall Broadway Ward Forum

Fri 06 Feb 2009
The general consensus of the Southall Broadway Ward Forum meeting was that elected officials are not willing to stand up for the residents of Southall. The only time you see them is when they want your vote.

A prime example of this is the fact that the roads around Southall Broadway are still full of holes and repair work has been sub-standard.

Mr Asif Khwaja said that there is no community centre where young people can hang out. So, it is no surprise that they loiter about picking up bad habits.

It was agreed that the old B&Q store site nearly would be an ideal location for such a place.

Nothing is being done to address this issue because there is "a problem of finance" according to Councillor Jagdish Gupta.

The residents feel that the real reason is that the money is being spent on Ealing Broadway instead.

The only chance of get funding is not to rely on Ealing Council or any elected officials but to apply for Lottery money.

The £1.9 million Regeneration budget for Southall over 3 years is for cosmetic affects like nice paving and lighting and not for anything constructive like improving the quality of life for residents.

Ealing Council has always wanted to promote Southall as a tourist attraction but has always neglected the town. Planning for the next Olympics is happening now. Mr Dalawar Chaudhry has been talking to the "West London Alliance" about basing the India and Pakistan teams in West London.

What practice facilities can Southall offer them? Southall Park? Ealing Council should take an active part in this and invite the business to participate.

It is well known that it extremely difficult and dangerous to turn right on Beaconsfield Road towards the Railway Station. A simple request like allow people "time" to turn right has not been addressed for a very long time because parties other than Ealing Council are involved, residents were informed.

There is general confusion as to what the permissible parking times are on the Broadway as some of the signs are misleading and others should not be enforced but are enforced according to Council officials. A resolution was requested.

Due to insufficient public toilet facilities the Council is considering "Community toilets" i.e. shops volunteering to allow the public to use their facilities.

To ease parking problems, 50 parking spaces at the car park of the Conservative club, next to the old Town Hall, are being used in trial at weekends only.

Having CCTV cameras on Southall Broadway has moved the problem of drugs, drinking and related crime onto the side streets.

Detailed report available at Southall Broadway Ward Forum meeting.

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