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No increase in Council Tax

Tue 10 Mar 2009
Ealing Council has decided not to increase the Council Tax to protect local people’s pockets during the recession.

London Mayor Boris Johnson has kept the Greater London Assembly levy on the tax the same so residents’ bills will not go up.

Despite the freeze in Council Tax bills the Council will be continuing to invest in key services including cleaner streets and safer communities.

The package of investment includes:

  • £18.6 million to expand the borough’s primary schools between 2009 and 2012
  • £6.5 million to continue the road and pavement improvement programme
  • £1.3 million to tackle crime including the re-provision of funding for the PCSO (Police Community Safety Officers) programme.
  • £1.15 million for children’s social services
  • £944,000 for adult social care
  • £650,000 for the ongoing improvement of local libraries
  • £600,000 to improve parks and open spaces
  • £290,000 to improve signage and highway markings and replace drains
  • £193,000 for cardboard and food recycling in our schools

Councillor David Scott, Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance, said: “Our top priority was to help local people as much as possible by freezing Council Tax."

"In our drive to deliver value for money we have been able to shed millions of pounds in operating costs by making Council departments more efficient."

"This has ensured that we are in a strong financial position and have contingencies to cope with any extra pressure on local services as the recession hits."

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