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Southall Vaisakhi procession

Sun 12 Apr 2009
On Tuesday, large number of Sikhs in Southall and elsewhere will be celebrating Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year and the harvest festival.

The annual Southall Vaisakhi procession will take place today. The Police estimate that around 30 - 50 thousand people will attend, parading through the streets of Southall.

The procession normally leaves the Havelock Road Gurdwara at 12.15pm, turns right into King Street, The Green, South Road, High Street, Uxbridge Road, Green Drive and Park Avenue. It finishes at the Park Avenue Gurdwara at around 5pm.

During the procession, numerous roads will be closed in Southall. The core hours of the traffic restrictions are between 1100hrs and 1700hrs.

From 5pm, further restrictions and road closures will take place, as with all celebrations in Southall.

This is to ensure that the local residents can carry out their normal daily activities without too much disruption or any unacceptable behaviour.

Residents are advised to carry identification showing their address to be allowed access to the area. Non residents are advised to avoid the area.

Happy Vaisakhi

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