Indian Table Tennis team in Southall
Sun 10 May 2009
Prior to that event, it is touring three venues in the UK. The first of these venues was the Dormers Wells Leisure Centre in Southall where it played against the England team.
The men played 5 games and as did the women. The result of this match was a 5-5 draw, the Indian men and the England ladies proving to be the winners.
The Mayor of Ealing was present at the event.
After the match and ceremony, the Indian team was delighted to be transported to Chaudhry’s TKC restaurant in the famous tiara bus. They were joined by the England team and had a delicious meal at the restaurant.
The Indian men’s team was represented by Subhajit Saha, Sourav Chakraborty, A Amal Raj, Pathik Mehta and Soumyadeep Roy.

The women’s team was represented by Neha Aggarwal, Poulomi Ghatak, Mouma Das, Kumaresan Shamini and Madhurika Patkar.

The Indian coaches were Massimo Constantini and Bhawani Mukherjee.

The England men’s team consisted of Darius Knight, Daniel Reed and Andrew Rushton.
The England women’s team consisted of Kelly Sibley, Mary Fuller and Joanna parker.
The England coaches were Alan Cooke and Lui Jia Yi.If you have a local news story, share it with the rest of Southall, by using the contact form.