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Southall Shobha Yatra - Hindu Procession

Tue 24 Aug 2010
A colourful Shobha Yatra (procession) took place in Southall on Sunday to honour and commemorate Lord Krishna’s birthday. Krishna is the most highly venerated God for Hindus.

The Shobha Yatra (procession) started around noon at the Shree Ram Mandir in King Street. It proceeded along The green towards Southall Broadway.

Shobha Yatra procession in southall

It went past the Southall train station and the Sri Guru Singh Sabha on Park Avenue.

It proceeded along South Road onto Lady Margaret Road. After it reached the first mini roundabout, it retraced it steps and went back to the Shree Ram Mandir in King Street.

Shobha Yatra procession in southall

Preet Bhoj was expected to be served from 2.30 pm at the Shree Ram Mandir by the Anand Family of Brilliant Restaurant, Western Road, Southall.

Shobha Yatra procession in southall

Janmashtami (birthday) Celebration will be at the Shree Ram Mandir on Wednesday 1st September 2100, starting at 8 pm until midnight.

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