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Villiers strike action update

Tue 07 Dec 2010
According to the Villiers High School website, the Head Teacher and three Villiers High School Governors agreed to all the Union demands without condition, during talks at ACAS today.

Staff will go ahead with the strike on Wednesday.

Before the strike was announced, the Union claimed that the Head Teacher was refusing to meet with elected local and national officers of the NUT and that the Governors were not prepared to talk to the Union representatives without the Head Teacher being present.

Now it seems that the Head Teacher and the Governors and are willing to accept all the Union demands without condition.

Parents, pupils, teachers and members of the public are wondering why the staff demands are now acceptable without condition when they were not acceptable months ago.

One possible reason is that "a few staff" complaining about lunch breaks actually amounted to more than 60 teachers with lots of complaints.

Another fact, bound to disappoint parents, pupils, teachers and residents of Southall, is that Villiers High School was a "good school" in 2002, was providing a "good standard of education" in 2007 but is only providing "satisfactory education" today, according to Ofsted.

Not a record to be proud of.

Pupils, ex-pupils, ex-governors, ex-teachers and current teachers, at a meeting over the weekend, laid the blame on the current "culture of fear".

The school will only be open for students sitting Year 11 exams and Sixth Formers on Wednesday.

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