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Council closing the gates on criminals

Mon 24 Jan 2011
Residents are being reminded to submit their applications for the council’s alley-gating scheme by Monday, 31 January 2011.

As part of the scheme, robust steel gates are installed in alleys alongside homes and shops to protect them from opportunist criminals.

Thousands of residents’ properties have already been made safer by these gates, which help reduce burglary, fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour.

Applications will be considered alongside information from the police on crime trends for the area and gates will be installed in parts of the borough where they are most likely to prevent criminal behaviour.

Councillor Ranjit Dheer, cabinet member for Safer Communities, said: "The gating scheme is a fantastic way for residents to work together and protect their neighbourhood. There are limited funds during these tough times, and we want to give as many people as we can a chance to benefit from this project."

Before applying residents need to first gauge their neighbours support for the scheme. The full consent from the owners of all the properties, which would be secured by the gates, would need to be sought before the scheme can be implemented.

For more information or to download an application pack log on to or call 020 8825 7757 to speak to the gating co-ordinator.

Any applications received after the closing date will be considered later this year as part of the 2012-2013 financial year.

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