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Road closures this Sunday - Vaisakhi procession

Thu 09 Apr 2015
Residents are alerted in advance that Sunday, 12 April will see road closures in Southall due to the annual Vaisakhi procession - nagar kirtan.

The road closures will commence from 8:30 am and will continue until 7pm. There will be no traffic along South Road all the way to King street for most of the day. All the connecting roads along the path will be affected.

The Police advise against driving into Southall due to heavy congestion. People coming to join in the celebrations are advised to use public transport to minimise congestion

Up to a hundred thousand people are expected to turn up to celebrate Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year and the harvest festival.

The Vaisakhi procession will start from Havelock Road Gurdwara and finish at Park Avenue’s Sri Guru Singh Saba.

Starting from Havelock Road Gurdwara at approximately 11.30am -12.30pm, the procession will turn right on to King Street, and pass through King Street and The Green where it will head towards Southall railway station.

The procession will then continue ahead on to South Road, take a right on to the High Street at about 3pm – 3.30pm, take a right from Uxbridge Road on to Green Drive, turn right on to Park Avenue, and finally reach its destination at Park Avenue Gurdwara at approximately 4.30pm - 5pm.

Free food stalls all along the procession route.

The actual Vaisakhi day will be celebrated on Tuesday 14th April 2015.

Happy Vaisakhi

Southall Nagar Kirtan - 12 April 2015 Southall Nagar Kirtan - 25 March 2012 Southall Nagar Kirtan - 25 March 2012

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