Council looks for young volunteers
Tue 15 Mar 2016
Volunteers on the Eco-Talent scheme could work in a range of areas including Brent Lodge Animal Centre in Brent River Park, Hanwell and the refuse and recycling service.
Placements are also available in the horticulture and maintenance teams which look after the borough’s parks and green spaces and customer services or administration.
Volunteers will need to commit to around four days per week for up to six months from April to September. They will be on their placement for two days a week and spend one day training to gain qualifications and will spend another day helping on an environmental project in the community.
Volunteers will receive up to £100 per week in paid expenses, gain experience and accreditations for completing a range of short courses. If a young person is claiming benefits they should remain unaffected by being on the scheme but volunteers should seek individual advice.
The scheme is being run with Vinspired, the youth volunteering charity.
Cabinet member for children and young people, Councillor Binda Rai said: "This is a fantastic opportunity for enthusiastic young people to gain new skills, work experience and qualifications which will give their career prospects a boost, while playing a key part in improving the environment in their community."
Applications must be submitted by 31 March but the 22 placements available will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
For more information and an application form, email Esmay Bear: on 07595792738 or call Connexions on 020 8825 8573.If you have a local news story, share it with the rest of Southall, by using the contact form.