Portugal immigrants celebrate Euro 2016 success in Southall
Mon 18 Jul 2016
When they arrived, the Met Police were running the 'Beat the Bleep' challenge in Southall Park. This was an opportunity for residents to see what the officers do to keep fit and compete with them.
The Ealing Safer Communities Patrol & Response Services van was also present. Children were eager to meet and stroke the dogs.
The two groups combined to make it a much bigger event. The Portugal immigrants, who brought their whole families along also brought food into the park. They served themselves and others including the Met Police officers with Lamb Biryani.
They held races for children of various ages as well as men’s races. They were also playing friendly cricket and football matches.
They also hold various other events at the nearby Villiers High School.
A different Portugal group will be holding their celebration in Southall Park next week.
As this event was going on, the annual Birmingham to London SACA charity bike riders arrived in Southall Park to be awarded medals for their efforts.

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