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Holocaust Memorial Day 2017

Sun 22 Jan 2017
Ealing Council is marking Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 with a memorial service on Friday 27 January, 10am at Ealing Town Hall.

The mayor of Ealing, Councillor Dr. Patricia Walker, will be joined by the deputy leader of the council, Councillor Ranjit Dheer, Deputy Lieutenant Dr Bozena Laskiewicz, pupils from local schools and dignitaries from across the borough.

The service will focus on the Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 theme of ‘How can life go on?’ and the speeches and prayers will reflect on how the aftermath of the Holocaust and of subsequent genocides continues to raise challenging questions for individuals, communities and nations.

Pupils from St Benedict’s school will read pledges and there will be speeches and prayers from the Reverend Dean Ayres, Rabbi Hershi Vogel, Rabbi Janet Burden and Kindertransport survivor Michael Brown.

Victims of the Nazi Holocaust as well as all the other victims of persecution, genocide and torture around the world, including those in Armenia, Assyria, Cambodia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Rwanda and Darfur will be remembered.

Deputy Leader of Ealing Council, Councillor Dheer said: "I’ve visited Auschwitz Birkenau and been deeply touched by what I saw and heard. It made me very aware of the millions who died, who suffered and who continue to suffer, and the need to prevent such atrocities for the future."

"Ealing is a vibrant diverse borough and I am proud that we work together within our communities, with respect and thoughtfulness, to stand against persecution and provide futures for those who have suffered."

The Holocaust Memorial Day Service will take place on Friday 27 January 2017 at 10.00am at at The Nelson Room, Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, Ealing W5 2BL.

The service is open to members of the public who are welcome to attend, although seating is limited and is only available on a first come basis.

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